Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween from King Falls AM!

The following is an online editorial written by Sammy Stevens, co-host of King Falls AM's Sammy & Ben Show. It does not express the views or belief's of The King Falls Gazette or it's staff.

Now I know what you're thinking, King Falls does not like today. Halloween is not a favorite. But where I come from this is a fun day. Awesome costumes, scary movies, trick or treating and of course hearing Thriller every hour on the hour from all the other radio stations.

But you guys aren't fans. I guess if you dealt with the real bumps in the night, apparitions and other spooky stuff year round, maybe Halloween wouldn't be that fun after all . Also, Ben, please note that isn't me admitting that every damn thing that happens here is legit.

All I'm saying is, that no matter what you do today, celebrating a harmless, fun & possibly inappropriately dressed holiday or otherwise, is have fun & be safe.

I've got the fun-sized candy bars here at Casa de Stevens if you come ring the doorbell kiddies, but come 9pm the porch light is off and I'm digging in.

Happy Halloween King Falls!

King Falls AM is trending on audioBoom and is an iTunes New & Noteworthy Podcast
Please REVIEW, RATE, SUBSCRIBE & SHARE your favorite lonely mountain AM Talk Radio show with any people or apparitions that might enjoy it!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Red Rum Roses & Billionaire Bullies by Ben Arnold

The following is an editorial written by Ben Arnold, co-host of King Falls AM's Sammy & Ben Show. It does not express the views or belief's of The King Falls Gazette or it's staff.

Hey guys & girls, Ben Arnold from King Falls AM, that's 660 on the AM dial here. I had a few minutes of spare time and a few hours of pent up rage so I thought I would write an OPEN LETTER about the last couple weeks here at the station and in The Falls in general.

First off, there was discussion from a certain only-comes-out-at-night, eccentric, dusty, bag o' bones billionare (who may or may not be a vampire) ... no names here, who said that King Falls AM might possibly be fabricating a story about a missing hiker just a couple weeks back.

Dear reader, I think if you and I can only agree on one thing, it would be this: that a certain only-comes-out-at-night, eccentric, dusty, bag o' bones billionare (who may or may not be a vampire) again, no names here, likes to stir the pot.

This, my friends, is the pot being stirred.

It is extremely well documented that on October 1st we received an anonymous call at the station alerting us to a cassette tape in our mailbox.

Against Sammy's wishes, I went and checked the mail and found said tape. We played the tape of what we assume to be the missing hiker, Lance McCord. Again, all factual. He stated his name, his whereabouts and the like.

Against MY wishes, Sammy continued on about the tape ... then against ALL of our wishes the tape continued on ... without being plugged in.

Godspeed Lance, wherever you are.

I know there are a few people out there in the world that think the worst of Sammy & I. That we aren't here for our community but only for ratings. HA! If that were the case, Sammy wouldn't have come to our tiny town and I would have left years ago.

I love King Falls and I'm proud to say I can call most of you friends, the ones that don't attack us ... or live on the S.S. Backstabber.

Let me clear the air and say that nothing we do is fabricated. Big deals get made about the Tim Jensens, the Lance McCords but nobody makes a stink about the hour we spend talking to Maury Williams from Maury's Magnet Memorial. What I'm saying is, these detractors FIND sensational issues to make deals of. They don't look at the human's behind the issues or the fact these issues are thrust upon myself & Sammy.

So the next time a billionaire writes an editorial about your friendly late night AM talk radio show, remember he's the same guy who left 2,500 white roses at our doorstep. Please remember he's the guy selling an e-book that is running down our fair town, mangling history & spectral phenomenons alike. Also, and I'm not saying this in print about anyone in particular, but can you really ever trust a VAMPIRE? I thought not.

Sammy & I bare it all from 2-6am every weeknight, we are open books. Maybe be weary of the guy you never see around town but is always watching from up the mountain. Using his wealth & power to drive the little guy off land, or in this case, the air.

If you've got issues with what I'm saying Beauregard, give us a call, anytime 424.279.3858.

And please don't send Pete to do your dirty work, dropping off Redrum Roses or otherwise.


King Falls AM is trending on audioBoom and is an iTunes New & Noteworthy Podcast
Please REVIEW, RATE, SUBSCRIBE & SHARE your favorite lonely mountain AM Talk Radio show with any people or apparitions that might enjoy it!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Hiker Hoax? I Believe so. by Howard Ford Beauregard III

The following is an editorial written by Howard Ford Beauregard III. It does not express the views or belief's of The King Falls Gazette or it's staff.

Rumors & speculation have been running rampant in King Falls the past week, as the story of a missing hiker named Lance McCord, splits our mountain community in two.

King Falls, voted Best Small Town in America for the sixth straight year this past January, is a wholesome and lovely town. However there is a small & vocal minority who believes there is evil afoot in our idyllic sanctuary.

For the past six months, King Falls has been under the spell of two immature & irresponsible radio hosts, Samuel Stevens & Benjamin Arnold of King Falls AM infamy. These two, dare I say, knuckleheads have been running roughshod over our wonderful community from 2am to 6am nightly, slandering town leaders, rumor-mongering over false information and, from what my good friend Mayor Grisham has told me, even possibly fabricating stories for their own benefit!

This leads me back to the hiker or adventurer or ... FAKE PERSON, as I like to call him, Lance McCord.

Apparently on October 1st, King Falls AM let their resident radio tallywhackers run a cassette tape to the listening public that they supposedly "found" in a "mail box", whatever that means. Of course, per usual, it has caused an uproar within the town.

There is no evidence of a hiker or missing person named Lance McCord. There is nothing to think this trip to Perdition Wood and the Devil's Doorstep is anything more than a plea from two desperate fiends, hoping for even more public attention. Yet, Stevens & Arnold are allowed to go on-air and cause mischief for the sole purpose of ratings! It should be a crime!

Maybe it is a crime.

Note to self, call Sheriff Gunderson.

And of course, these two buffoons have a following now, here in town. Why? I couldn't begin to even tell you. From what my man, Pete, tells me they even have a small contingent of listeners spreading outside the city limits into the world where they can further disparage the name of our town, myself and others; running us through the mud and causing chaos & calamity every step of the way.

I've been around the block a time or two, children. My shoulders are broad and can easily carry the weight of the trouble these two feeble-minded shock-jocks attempt to bring to myself and my family, however I feel terrible for the lowlies who aren't as strong as I, whose names they deride and attack on a nightly basis, seemingly for ratings and sheer enjoyment.

I believe deeply that these two, and the supporters of King Falls AM, must be stopped.


They must be stopped.

Howard Ford Beauregard III

We here at the King Falls Gazette would love to know if you agree or disagree with Mr. Howard Ford Beauregard III. Drop us a line here at the paper, or feel free to contact Sammy & Ben, weeknights from 2am to 6am on King Falls AM, 660 on the radio dial.


King Falls AM is trending on audioBoom and is an iTunes New & Noteworthy Podcast
Please REVIEW, RATE, SUBSCRIBE & SHARE your favorite lonely mountain AM Talk Radio show with any people and/or apparitions that may enjoy it!