Monday, May 23, 2016

A Public Plea

by Sammy Stevens

It's been, by far, the roughest stretch of time I've personally had in King Falls, this past month or so. With the on-air disappearance of our dear friend Emily Potter on, of all nights, our Anniversary, things have went from bad to worse.

I'm not the type to air laundry out to dry in public, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little worried. My co-host, and more importantly, my best friend, Ben Arnold, has not been heard from since leaving the radio station the morning of May 15th.

No calls.

No texts.

Not answering his door.

While I, and I'm sure the listeners, appreciate Mr. Chet Sebastian's willingness to step up to bat and pull some doubles while Ben is away, it's just not the same. Especially with these dark circumstances swirling overhead.

I'm making a plea here, as I've done nightly on-air, that if anyone should run into Ben, or even just see him around town, please ask him to give the station a call.

As you know, the kid is in a bad way, understandably so, but I just want to know that he's safe and not doing anything crazy.

I appreciate all the calls, tweets, and messages you've sent to us at King Falls AM, the positive vibes and prayers can't hurt either. Ben, if you can read this, or read my numerous text messages, just let us know you're alright buddy.

Take care of yourself.

Your friend,


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Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Crime Scene Cover Up?

by Phillip Rodriguez

A lot has been said about May 1st's disappearance of King Falls librarian Emily Potter, and while I usually have a pinch of snark to go along with my journalism at the Gazette, I just want it to be known that all of us here at the paper are hoping, praying and sending positive vibes out for Ms. Potter's safe return.

We receive a lot of tips here at the paper. More than you'd imagine for a small-town print palace such as ourselves, but we do. Most are just apparition sightings, pranks or people bitching about the roundabout on Tippet Avenue. But this reporter came into something a bit different this morning.

I received an anonymous tip overnight about a disturbance over the weekend at the Emily Potter Crime Scene off of Route 72 heading into town. Apparently multiple people drove past the area saying that a disturbed man, fitting the description of a certain King Falls radio personality was seen, past the crime tape, in the middle of quarantined area, yelling up at the sky.

Another tip that came in a little later said that they witnessed a King Falls Sheriff Patrol Car at the scene as well, however after checking the incident reports and scanner reports, I couldn't find a word about this incident anywhere.

Of course these tips named who they seemingly saw as they motored past, and being the journalist that I am, I'd be remiss to reach out to the aforementioned personality.

However, I didn't do that. I did not reach out.

The poor man has gone through enough. If you're a listener of that particular show, his behavior has been much different the past week, so much so that it's even hard to tell it's him. He's a shell of his former self. He's hurting and it's not my place to add to that.

It's my job to report on the news and to add a little sass to it's ass, as I see fit. But there are lines. Lines of decency. And when you see a fellow human, not just someone in the media but a fellow human friggin' being, hurting, you don't add to it.

I wish more media outlets thought like that.

So as for the disturbance out on 72 over the weekend, I can't confirm that it happened. I can't deny that it happened. What I can say is that there is a still-active crime scene on Route 72, where Ms. Emily Potter's car was found, and that I implore you to stay away from it as the good men and women of the King Falls Sheriff's Department still have investigating to do.